Born out of dedication to flavour, to emotion, to life, out of dedication to work and working out every detail, until it becomes perfection itself.

Dedicated to the source of inspiration, the well, the muse which is always new, always surprising, ever personal to those who create Aguara, carefully, those who prepare it and package it, carefully, by hand, and also to me, as I look within for the things that no one else, and nothing else, could give – the signature of a moment, born in the interaction of myself and everything I am, the interaction between me and wine, an old photo, a verse written painstakingly by Silvia Plath or Nick Cave, between me and a page of a book, me and a childhood memory or a memory that is yet to be born, between me and rebellion, between me and all those things to come…

Aguara is a personal story, a personal verse, a personal experience and bite, an always personal, intimate dialogue.

And that, exactly that, is what makes it so special.

We are rarely ’she’ and ’he,’ it seems like we’ve always been a ’we.’

We’ve lived, and still live, (extra)ordinary lives. One of us is a food technologist. That’s Svetlana. The other, Milos – a designer. But we did not stop there. We are, both of us, sommerliers as well.

We had jobs, the expected kind, but we’re us way too much to just stay there, to just stand still.

This is why we took love and passion, and created something new.

We love strong flavours, strong people, overwhelming emotions.

We also love chocolate. With fervour.

Aguara was thus born, on 5th of January 2015. at 20:57, out of flavour and experiment, for strong and gentle people, for everything that’s overwhelming.

Aguara is the kind of chocolate that was born inspired, born out of impulse, dedicated to the zest of life.

Aguara is an eternal search, Aguara is EXTRAordinary, Aguara is ours.

We are Svetlana and Milos. We are Milos i Svetlana.


We are Aguara.


And our journey has only just begun.